The upcoming film titled as ‘Ranviir The Marshal’ releasing on 30th October, 2015, released their first look poster which will be based on Marshal arts. The movie is been produced by a new aspiring producer Alok ‘Rajan’ Sharma and is been directed and written by Milind K Ukey. Young talent Rishab “Rishi” Sharma is doing debut in the Bollywood where he will be seen playing the lead role along with Kannad fame actress Ramnitu Chaudhary.
The movie is about a boy Ranvir who is determine to learn martial arts as he has a past which has made him incline toward this art form. But his mother Ayesha’s fear of losing her son restricts Ranvir to pursue his will as Ayesha’s life has been spoil because of martial arts and so she wants to keep her son away from it. As it is said that sometimes we run away from our own destiny not realizing that the journey itself is also predestined, so is the life of Ayesha and Ranviir.