Published On : Thu, Jul 16th, 2015

Goon loots bag with Rs 6 lakhs and flees from Nagpur Railway Station


Nagpur: Sometimes people get so carried away in their worries and tension that they throw their common sense to the winds. In one such incident, a passenger handed over his bag to another person who was standing near the ticket window before he went to purchase his ticket. However, this person fled with the bag of the passenger. Unfortunately for the victim, the bag contained Rs 5, 98,000/- (Rs Five Lakhs Ninety Eight Thousand) in cash.

According to police sources, the victim Ravindra alias Ravi Shankarao Padole aged 32 years and a resident of Dalal Square, Dahi Bazaar. The victim Ravindra had to go to Akola for some work, so he went to Itwari Railway Station. When he was going to purchase his railway ticket, he handed over his bag to a casual acquaintance identified as Sharda alias Sonu Dharmalal Shahu aged 35 years and a resident of Small Factory Area, Satnami Nagar. The victim was carrying the bag containing Rs 5, 98,000/-, which the accused Sonu escaped with. After purchasing the ticket, when the victim searched the accused Sonu, he could not locate him. After a hectic search, he reached the Sitabuldi Police Station and lodged a complaint against the accused. The police have registered a case against the accused and are investigating further.
