Nagpur: The Tanha Pola programme was organized at Hindu Vidya Bhavan School in Hanuman Nagar here in the city, with great fervour on September 12, 2015. The programme was organized at the school premises. The students were attired in various traditional and attractive attires and had come to the school with their decorated wooden models of Nandi Bull.
An enthusiastic raising of the slogan of Har Har Mahadeo was heard resounding in the premises. Many songs in praise of Lord Mahadeva were sung on the occasion.
Based on the decoration of the wooden models of Nandi Bull and the traditional attire, prizes were given away to the best dressed student and best decorated wooden model of Nandi Bull.
Parineeta Wankhede was awarded first prize, while Himanshi Kumbalkar was awarded second prize and Anuj Kushwaha was adjudged third. As many as six students were given consolation prizes.
Under the guidance of the Founder of the Education Society Arun Joshi, the Principal Sunil Pandilwar and other staff members worked hard to ensure the successful organizing of the programme. Chocolates and Gopal Kala were distributed to the students on the conclusion of the programme.