Published On : Tue, Dec 24th, 2013

Understand the Crux of MVAT Audit – Julfesh Shah


Nagpur News: In any Audit, Article Assistant plays a very important role. In MVAT Audit there are so many tricky things to be done which are different from the routine type of Audits. It is important that students should understand the crux of MVAT Audit and should bestow their responsibility properly, said CA. Julfesh Shah, Regional Council Member. He was speaking as the Chief Guest at the Inaugural function of Full Day MVAT Audit Program organized by Nagpur Branch of WICASA Jointly with Amravati Branch of WICASA. He added, that Statute has given a special responsibility to Chartered Accountants in the form of MVAT Audit. Chartered Accountants have successfully performed their duties and it is important that the future generation should also devote fully to carry the repute of the profession. He expressed his happiness over organizing the program jointly with Amravati Branch of WICASA and mentioned that all branches of Vidarbha are one. He also assured to organize such joint program at regular intervals.

CA. Julfesh Shah, RCM inaugurating the Seminar by lighting the traditional lamp. L to R.Mr. Ganesh Motlani, Mr. Harsh Deora, CA. Ratan Sharma, Mr. Tejas Suchak, CA. Sandeep Jotwani, Chairman, WICASA, Nagpur,CA. Swapnil Agrawal, Chairman, Nagpur Branch, CA. R.K. Ganeriwala, CA. Vinod Hasani, MS. Grishma Mehta, Mr. Adil Ansari

CA. Julfesh Shah, RCM inaugurating the Seminar by lighting the traditional lamp.
L to R.Mr. Ganesh Motlani, Mr. Harsh Deora, CA. Ratan Sharma, Mr. Tejas Suchak, CA. Sandeep Jotwani, Chairman, WICASA, Nagpur,CA. Swapnil Agrawal, Chairman, Nagpur Branch, CA. R.K. Ganeriwala, CA. Vinod Hasani, MS. Grishma Mehta, Mr. Adil Ansari

Chairman of Nagpur Branch of ICAI, CA. Swapnil Agrawal in his brief remarks mentioned that students should have a passion to learn. The same passion gets a right path and direction when it is guided by expert faculties. Understanding the various technicalities is something which is very important for which such kind of programs play an important role.

Chairman of Nagpur Branch of WICASA, CA. Sandeep Jotwani in his welcome address mentioned that students are the backbone of any profession. Hence, Nagpur WICASA is dedicated to organize regular training programs for the development of skills amongst the students. The time since MVAT Audit was introduced there were regular updates where even members were finding difficulties in understanding. Regular seminars with expert faculties have helped the professionals in doing justice with the responsibilities.

Chairman of Amravati Branch of WICASA, CA. Ratan Sharma mentioned that education should be a continuous process. He added, that it’s time to also understand what the students demand and organize the program as per their need. Students find lot of difficulties in understanding MVAT Audit, for which organizing such program is the need of the hour.


In this Seminar CA. R.K. Ganeriwala spoke on “Basics of MVAT Audit”, CA. Vinod Hassani deliberated on “Form No.704” and CA. Alka Gehi guided on “E-filing of Form 704 and related issues”.

Grisma Mehta co-ordinated the program, whereas Harsh Deora proposed formal vote of thanks. Prominently present were Adil Ansari, Ganesh Motlani, Tejas Suchak, Prateek Sarda, Nisha Jha, Pooja Gandhi and students in large numbers.