Shri Avinash Chander awarding the best Probationers Award to Nitesh Goel of IOFS 2012 (I) batch on 14 Feb 14
Nagpur News: National Academy of Defence Production, Ambajhari, Nagpur celebrated the passing out of 52 Probationary Officers of the Indian Ordnance Factories Service of 2012 (I) & (II) Batches on 14th Feb 2014 at a glittering ceremony in the Utsav Hall of the Academy.
Padmashri Shri Avinash Chander, Secretary Department of Defence R&D, DG DRDO and SA to RM was the Chief Guest of the Valedictory Function.is a globally renowned Missile Scientist and the Chief Architect of the Long Range Ballistic Missile System AGNI, providing cutting-edge decisive Strategic Weapon systems to the Armed Forces. He created the infrastructure, industry base, production lines, and integration facilities to produce different classes of AGNI Missile Systems varying from 300 to 5000 kms in range. Today, the AGNI Al, A2, A3 Missiles occupy the pride of place in the inventory of the Indian Army.
S Yamdagni, Member/ Per, OFB presided over the function. Dr K T Mohanan, Member/ M & C graced the occasion as Guest of Honor. P Mishra, Sr Principal Director, NADP, Saurabh Kumar, GM, Ambajhari, ShriSatish Kumar, Distinguished Scientist from DRDO ,Dr R Chavan , R C Singh, RCS Controller of Finance, Gp Capt Navjot Singh from DGAQA , Cdr S D Hirukar from DGNAI, and other distinguished Guests from the allied agencies and Civil authorities graced the function.
In his Key Note Address, Chief Guest Padmashri Shri Avinash Chander stated that OFB and DRDO need co-operation in place of competition. We are looking to build our future based on clues from Long term Technological Perspective and Long Term Perspective plan of DRDO. A prosperous India is emerging. Together we will be building the might of economy with a sense of security backed by world class capacities in technologies, manufacturing and quality. We would like to build these capabilities through self reliance in Weapon platforms including unmanned systems, Multipliers and Systems. We are amongst the best in Solars and Radars. But we have to go a long way in Night Vision Systems. In missile Systems, we are comparable to anybody in the world. Whenever there is a denial regime, we have excelled and we have demonstrated to the world that we can deliver one of the best solutions. Despite the fact that OFB delivers $2.5 billion worth of Arms and ammunitions, we are importing a lot in the domain in Ammunition. Arjun catapult has been a great success with joint endeavor between DRDO and OFB. In today’s world to survive, you have to export. Defence Budget may not be sufficient to provide the scale. Today there is nothing which we cannot do. One of our challenges is to build the trust of Users in terms of Quality, Robustness and Performance. I am happy to know that OFB has come up with many new Commanders’ thermal Imaging Night Sight for T-72, Driver Night Sight for BMP-II & Mine Protected Vehicle, Bullet Proofing of vehicle ,Water Bowser (2 KL), A-7 Ammunition for AK-47 for Indian Army . The spirit of OFB’s organizational vitality is unique. This vitality is manifested in OFB by many ways — its ability to stretch in testing times, its ability to deliver in terms of Quality, Cost and Time. The need for captive capability cannot be over emphasized particularly during the war time. There is a space for every player to grow in an emerging defence market. We need to learn from China, which was now the largest importer, now a major producer. They have mastered the art of reverse engineering. We have to believe in our strength and deliver in those areas. DRDO and OFB are working together in many of the systems like JOINT VENTURE PROTECTIVE CARBINE (JVPC), UNDER BARREL GRENADE LAUNCHER (UBGL), MULTI-CALIBRE ASAULT RIFLE, BMCS FOR 155 MM HOWITZER etc. The game of the warfare is changing. Instead of baking on probability of firing, we need to have first round hit capability. Seek, Identify, Track and Target would be the core principles of modern weapons systems.
Avinash Chander posing with Officers of IOFS (I) batch on 14 Feb 2014 after valedictory function at NADP Ambajhari Nagpur
S Yamdagni, Member/ Per, OFB exhorted the young officers they are rendering invaluable service not only the organization, but to the nation. Thus, they should develop pride being part of OFB. The most challenging task for any manager is to manage people, manage technology and manage systems. The key to success in their performance is motivating the people and cohesively lead the team by being grounded to reality, by dirtying the hand with day to day execution and yet innovating the things. Changes in the training are being contemplated to overcome some deficiencies like more emphasis on Linguistic Laboratory and joint training with IDAS officers.
Dr K T Mohanan, Member/M&C brought out that the organization has dramatically transformed itself with a diverse product range to meet the expectations of Indian Armed Forces over the last two hundred years. However, considering the fast change in the environment, Indian Ordnance Factories need to change the structural dynamics and systems to be the leader delivering results in real time through clarity and focus. He exhorted the graduating batch to have passion in whatever they do and love what they accomplish through breaking new barriers.
P Mishra in his inaugural address welcomed the galaxy of the guests. He brought that excellence is not a destination, but a journey for which NADP is committed to it. Given the creditable academic career and rigorous training imparted to the young officers, they would grow to stalwarts in times to come.
S Kumar , Course Director said the Academy takes pride in grooming techno-managerial leaders for tomorrow by giving team right skills and values. He exhorted the graduating Officer to blend their mind and heart to achieve the impossible GTyagi, Director offered the vote of thanks.
DrUddipan Mukherjee and Miss Bhanupriya Meena officers from passing out batches gave the course feedback of their respective batches, giving glowing tributes to the Academy. In particular, exposure to the frontier are through Amy Attachment helped to appreciate the difficulties faced by the Jawans and their expectations from the Ordnance Factories. Abhishek Pundir and Shreya Bhardwaj compeered the valediction programme in a befitting manner.
The Chief Guest gave away certificates and mementos to the passing out Probationers. He also gave special awards to the outstanding probationers of the two batches.NiteshGoel and Sunny Talwar got the Best Probationer Award and DGOF trophyViswashBhat and Ramanuj Bhattacharya got the Kalpagam Krishanmurthy award as the second best probationers respectively for the first and second batches.
The valediction Programme was followed by speculator performance and perfect blend of classical dance by the young artists of the “Tanusree Shankar Dance Company” led by Internationally reputed dancer Tanusree Shankar. She brought an innovative choreography, which was not a combination of classical dances, but was outstanding and original, giving concrete shape to the music that inspires it and is based on the Shankar technique of “New Dance”, following the path shown by Uday Shankar.The audience in the Utsav Hall was enthralled by the superlative performance of these artists and the beautiful and mesmerizing harmony of music, dance and postures.