Published On : Sat, Jul 13th, 2013

Youth booked for writing obscene letter to married woman in Nagpur


Nagpur News:

Hudkeswar police have booked a youth for handing over a “love” letter, albeit, with vulgar and nauseating words.

According to police, the youth Siddharth Ramteke, resident of Kapil Nagar, Nari Road, and the girl were friends of each other. However, after the marriage of the girl, she started avoiding Siddharth. But Siddharth frequently chased her wherever she went. On the day of incident, Siddharth stopped the girl near Facial Beauty Parlour in Ambika Nagar, and forcibly handed over a “love” letter full of vulgar and filthy language.


The girl, however, gave a message of that “love” letter to Hudkeshwar police. Police have booked Siddharth Ramteke under Section 354 (D) of IPC and are searching for Siddharth.