Nagpur: The Crime Detection Squad of Yashodhara Nagar police on Sunday raided a house and arrested 10 gamblers betting on playing cards. The gamblers had assembled despite lockdown in force and that too without wearing masks. Cops have seized cash and mobile phones from the accused.
Acting on the orders of Senior Police Inspector, the Crime Detection Squad led by PSI Darade raided the house of Sumit Shyam Meshram in Kundanlal Gupta Nagar, behind Nildhar Kirana Stores. The raiding cops found Sumit Meshram (29) himself, Chintaman Moreshwar Nanadnwar (28), Ravi Shyamrao Bhaisare (36), Afraj Aslam Sheikh 36), Dinesh Jaichand Thakre (31), Shahrukh alias Sultan Iqbal Khan (20), Mujahid alias Majju Wahid Khan (20), all residents of Kundanlal Gupta Nagar, Mohd Juber Mohd Yaqub (30), Simran Saeed Khan (28) and Yunus Ahmed Khan (36), both residents of Lashkaribagh, betting while playing cards. The gamblers had assembled despite lockdown in force for coronavirus outbreak and that too without wearing masks. Cops have seized Rs 6050 in cash and seven mobile phones worth Rs 56,700 from possession of the gamblers.
All the ten accused have been booked under Sections 4, 5 of Maharashtra Prevention of Gambling Act read with Sections 188, 269, 271 of the IPC, Section 51(T) of Disaster Management Act and placed under arrest.
The raid was conducted by PSI Darade, NPCs Gajanan Gosavi, Satish Yadav, Nilesh Ghaivat, Aftab Sheikh, sepoys Praful Chintale, Ratnakar Kothe under the guidance of DCP (Zone 5) Neelotpal, ACP Munde and Senior PI Ramakant Durge.