The winter exams for the 10th and 12th will start from 4th October 2012. Around 77 centers for 10th and 69 centers for 12th have been setup.
The centers allotted to 10th students are as follows:
Bhandara 7, Chadrapur 14, Nagpur 29, Wardha 11, Gadchiroli 8 and Gondia 8 and for 12th are Bhandara 7, Chandrapur 14, Nagpur 23, Wardha 10, Gadchiroli 8 and Gondia 8.
The total number of students sitting for 10th exam is 25,619 out of which 14,158 are boys and 11,416 are girls. The number of students sitting for 12th is 24,633 out of which 13,092 are boys and 11541 are girls.
The total number of Science candidates is 4,438, Arts 11,005, Vanjiya 7,141 and MCVC 676 according to the authorities of the education board. To keep tabs on the cheating aspect and inspection they will be deploying 33 flying squads personnel.
Tushar Muthal