Nagpur News: Yet another school boy was abducted from his vicinity under Sonegaon police station on Monday for a ransom of Rs 2 lakh. Police sources informed that 11 year old Sahil alias Yash Borker was playing around his house near Hanuman temple in Khapri when he was picked up by some unidentified person.
Later, Yash’s father Nitin Nathhuji Borker received ransom call on his mobile, in which the person on the other side threatened him and asked Rs 2 lakh in return for his son.
His father rushed to the Sonegaon police station where crime was registered under section 364 (A).
Sensing the urgency of the situation, Joint CP Sanjay Saxena, DCP Kailash Kanse, along with crime branch team reached the spot.
Police said that they were trying to trace the mobile location however no lead was received till then. The cops were avoiding any comment in this regard.
Hunt for the abductor was still on. The crime was speculated to have been the handiwork of someone who knows Borkers closely.