Nagpur: The Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis moved a condolence resolution around 12.30 pm on the first day (Monday) of Winter Session of Maharashtra Legislature to pay tributes to departed souls who were members of State Assembly.
While paying glowing tributes to former Maharashtra Governor Om Prakash Mehra, Manipur Governor and former Legislative Assembly member Dr Sayyed Ahmed, former Lt Governor of Andaman and Nicobar and former Legislative Assembly member Ramchandra Ganesh Kapse, former Deputy Speaker of Assembly Pramod Bhaurao Shende and former Vidhan Sabha members Madan Vishwanathrao Patil, Mohan Pandurang Gudadhe, Amrutrao Gangaram Rane, Ramji Mahadu Vartha, Bhagwanshaha Jivanshaha Masram, Baburao Mahadeo Narke, Nivruttirao Bhikaji Gaydhani who passed away recently and recalled their contributions as members of the august House.
While the Leader of Opposition Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil was speaking on the condolence resolution, the Speaker Haribhau Bagde noticed several members scanning their cell phones. The Speaker immediately warned the members to switch off their mobiles or would be directed to go out of the House.