Nagpur: A 12-year-old boy has been rounded-up by Gittikhadan police for allegedly stealing Rs 40,000 of a private employee, Atul Dahiwase, a resident of Dhantoli.
On Saturday morning, Dahiwase was heading to do admission of his six-year-old girl at Sandipani School when a 12-year-old boy asked him for a lift on Amravati road. The boy asked Dahiwase to drop him to Dabha.
For a good deed, Dahiwase gave him a lift on his bike to Dabha and went to school. During admission, he found the cash Rs 40,000 missing from the bag. He immediately reported the matter to nearby Gittikhadan police station.
Police took Dahiwase to Dabha area in search of the minor boy. The minor was identified and taken to police station for interrogation. Police said that the minor is denying the charges. However, Dahiwase told that the minor’s boy has offered him few amount to settle the case but when he refused, the father threatened him of dire consequences. Police has registered the case and are interrogating the minor.