NAGPUR News : In a surprise development the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has found 1323 illegal religious places in Nagpur city. The NMC has categorized these places as “A”, “B” and “C” and has planned to resolve the problem amicably. The action will be taken by NMC and police jointly.
The NMC has decided to regularize the “A” category religious places. The “B” category religious places would be shifted to suitable place in the city. As far as “C” category religious category religious places are concerned the NMC would seek objections and suggestions from people and then a proper action will be taken.
It may be mentioned that Municipal Commissioner Shyam Vardhane had called a meeting of all Zone Assistant Commissioners and Senior Police Inspectors of 23 police stations. The NMC authorities and the police were directed to prepare a list of illegal religious places. The Supreme Court had ordered smashing, shifting and regularizing the illegal religious places across the country. After Supreme Court order the NMC reviewed the illegal religious places. In the meeting Vardhane asked the police and Municipal officials to make ready an action plan to resolve the problem.
“A” CATEGORY”: Vardhane said that some religious places are age-old, must have majority public support, the land owner must have no objection and the report of Town Planning and police should be supportive in nature. Considering these four conditions the religious places should be put in “A” category, Vardhane said.
Vardhane said that remaining religious places should be listed “B” and “C” category after preparing the final list of “A” category and submit it to NMC and police. Additional Commissioner Ravindra Kumbhare, Establishment Officer D D Jambhulkar, Branch Engineer Askok Deotale and Senior PIs of 23 police stations were present in the meeting.
MUMBRA TRAGEDY: Taking a serious note of Mumbra building collapse that claimed lives of over 70 people, Vardhane directed police and concerned NMC authorities to collect information on illegal constructions and initiate investigation into such constructions. The Mumbra tragedy has dented the image of police and municipal officials. He asserted that no tragedy of that proportion should take place in Nagpur.