Nagpur: A 14-year-old boy collapsed after being punched by a friend, aged 13 years, at the football ground at Garib Nawaz Nagar in Nagpur. The boy, identified as Mohd Ibrahim, was later declared dead at Mayo Hospital.
The incident occurred when Ibrahim, a Std VII student, had a fight with his friend, a Std VI student, on the ground. Ibrahim collapsed after the friend punched him on the back of the neck, said police.
Ibrahim’s family rushed him to Mayo Hospital where he was declared dead. The Yashodhara Nagar police have registered an accidental death case.
According to police, investigation is under way and final conclusion would be drawn only after police receive the post-mortem and histopathology reports. Prima facie, there was no motive behind the attack and it seems to be a spur-of-the-moment act.