Nagpur: A 14-year old boy from Uttar Pradesh went missing and was reportedly kidnapped in Kalamna area on Thursday afternoon. Cops have launched a search to trace the boy.
The complainant Chandraj Laltaprasad Gautam (30), resident of Plot No. 152, Kharbi, told police that he along with his nephew Mataprasad Ramkumar Gautam (14), native of Jigni Malkapur, District Bakrampur (UP), had gone to work near Gokul Dairy, Bharat Nagar on Thursday. Around 4 pm, Mataprasad went to a nearby eatery to have snacks. However, the boy did not return and since then went missing. Chandraj searched Mataprasad in the area but could not find him. Finally, he lodged a missing complaint with Kalamna police.
PSI Gole, following the directives of Supreme Court that if any minor boy or girl goes missing then the case should be treated as that of kidnapping, has registered an offence under Section 363 of the IPC and launched a search to trace the boy.