Nagpur: In a heart-wrenching incident, an one-and-half year old boy drowned in overflowing flood water after falling off his mother’s lap when his parents suffered an electrical shock at their hut on Beltarodi Road area in Nagpur on Monday.
The deceased has been identified as Raj Sanjay Thakre.
According to police, Thakre couple resided at a makeshift hut, working at an adjoining construction site. The couple had woken up in the wee hours of Monday on realizing water was entering their hut with great force.
As Raj’s parents, Sanjay Devanand Thakre (35), and his wife, were preparing to leave their home due to flooding, they received an electric shock. The shock caused the mother to drop their sleeping son Raj into the water. The parents had managed to retrieve the baby from the water and rushed him to GMCH but was declared dead.
Ajni police have registered a case of accidental death.