Nagpur: Pachpaoli police seized a Mahindra truck carrying 1500 kg of beef from Khante Nagar in the wee hours of Monday. Cops have also rescued 13 bovines being taken for slaughter and arrested four people in this connection.
Acting on a tip-off, the Pachpaoli police raided Khante Nagar based slaughter house around 2.30 am on Monday. Besides truck, police seized 1500 kg of beef and rescued 13 bovines collectively worth Rs 10.1 lakh during the raid.
Accused Mohammad Shahid Raza, son of Siddhiq Husain (23), resident of Motha Tajbagh, Sheikh Jabir (39) resident of Chirag Ali Square, Teka, Aalim Khan Gaffur Khan (40) resident of Shiv Nagar, Flat. No. 34, Manjri, Yashodhara Nagar and Mohammad Shafi Haji Mohammad Shabbir (36) resident of Azad Nagar, Teka have been booked under the relevant Sections of Maharashtra Animals Preservation Act and Food Safety Act and placed under arrest.
The raid was supervised under the guidance of DCP Harsh Poddar, ACP Walchand Munde, PI Crime Sanjay Jadhav and Senior PI Ashok Meshram. API S S Suroshe, PSI P R Ingle, Constable Chintaman Dakhole, Vilas Chavhan, Ravishankar Mishra, Vijay Lande, Sunil Wankhede, Sachin Sonwane carried out the action.