Indian Left-hander batsman Yuvraj Singh bought for whopping Rs.16 crore by Delhi Daredevils in IPL 8 player auction. But no taker for South African batsman Hashim Amla came as a big surprise after the 1st round of bidding.
Bidding fight between RCB and DD took Yuvraj’s price skyrocket and finally Delhi Daredevils bought him at a price of Rs. 16 crore.
Yuvraj Singh was left out of the Indian squad of World Cup despite of making 3 centuries in domestic matches.
Indian wicketkeeper-batsman Dinesh Karthik was sold to RCB for an impressive Rs 10.5 crore.
Delhi Daredevils also snapped up Sri Lankan ODI captain Angelo Mathews for Rs.7.50 crore.
Murali Vijay bought for Rs.5 crore by Kings XI Punjab in IPL 8 player auction
Hashim Amla, who has scored 19 hundreds and 27 fifties with a highest score of 153, got no taker in the 1st round of bidding. He will be presented again later.