Sourabh Chandrakar, the promoter of the Mahadev Online Book betting app, reportedly spent a staggering ₹200 crore on his wedding in Dubai. This lavish event featured the attendance and performances of several Bollywood celebrities, raising the scrutiny of the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Among the prominent attendees now facing potential ED interrogation are Tiger Shroff, Sunny Leone, and singer Neha Kakkar.
The ED’s investigation centers on a massive ₹5,000 crore money laundering allegation against Sourabh Chandrakar and his business partner, Ravi Uppal, who operate the online gambling app from Dubai.
Here’s what we know about the Bollywood connection with the Mahadev gambling app:
Money Laundering Case: Both Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, hailing from Chhattisgarh, are wanted in the money laundering case.
Upcoming Dubai Party: ED sources reveal that Chandrakar is planning another extravagant party in Dubai on September 18, where several Bollywood stars have allegedly been paid ₹40 crore each to attend at a seven-star luxury hotel.
February Wedding Extravaganza: The February wedding witnessed opulence as private jets transported family members from Nagpur to Dubai. Bollywood celebrities, wedding planners, dancers, and decorators were all flown in from Mumbai for the event.
Late Discovery: The investigation into Mahadev Online Betting commenced in December of the previous year, but the Bollywood connection has only recently come to light.
Online Betting App: The Mahadev Online Betting application is a gaming platform where approximately a million individuals placed bets over the past year. It operates from around 30 centers, with the promoters now based in Dubai, where betting is legal.
Bollywood Endorsement: Several Bollywood personalities appeared in YouTube videos promoting the Mahadev Online Book app.
Unofficial Names: While the ED has not officially disclosed the names of the Bollywood personalities featured in the app’s advertisements, it is rumored that a prominent comedian, a character artist, a top B-list male star, and a female comedian received payments from the platform.
Asset Seizure: Recently, the ED seized assets worth ₹417 crore in connection with the case from various locations, including Bhopal, Mumbai, and Kolkata.
The investigation into this extravagant Dubai wedding and its connection to the Mahadev Online Book betting app continues, with several Bollywood celebrities now caught in the ED’s crosshairs.