Bengaluru: In another incident very similar to the Nirbhaya case of Delhi, where a young girl was raped and killed, a 19-year-old nurse was raped in a moving bus here by its driver while the bus cleaner drove it, police said on Friday. The driver has since been arrested.
The incident took place late in the night on November 5, 2015 at Hoskote on the Bengaluru’s eastern outskirts.
While speaking to media personnel, Bengaluru Rural Additional Superintendent of Police S R Ramesh said that both driver Ravi, 26, and the bus cleaner Manjunath, 23, had been arrested.
The attack took place when the young woman boarded the bus at Sulibele to go to work at a nursing home in Hoskote, 30 km from the city centre. “The accused asked the cleaner to drive the bus while he raped her and dumped her on the roadside at Nagagondanahalli,” SP Ramesh said. When she narrated the incident to doctors at a hospital, police were summoned.
The bus, registered in Andhra Pradesh, has been seized. On October 3, a 23-year-old woman was gang raped by a driver and a cleaner in a moving van in a Bengaluru.