Nagpur: Two goons on Tuesday demanded extortion money from a Lottery Centre owner and ransacked a TV, three computers and showcase when the owner refused to meet their demand. The owner has alleged that the two goons forcibly took away Rs 30,000 cash kept at counter. Mankapur police have arrested one of the goons and searching for the other.
The two criminals have been identified as Pappu Gorakhnath Raut (42), resident of Zingabai Takli and Pravin Ravindra Ghuge of Satnavri, Amravati Road.
According to police, Mankapur resident Pradeep Kartik Chaure (25), lodged a complaint stating that the two accused came to his Jaidurga Online Lottery Centre, situated at Mankapur Ring Road, around 7.45 pm on Tuesday. The accused demanded “donation” from him. But when Pradeep refused to meet their demand, the accused burst into his lottery centre and damaged a TV, three computers and showcase. With their vandalism, the accused ransacked the goods worth Rs 1 lakh. Predeep further told the cops that the two accused forcibly took away Rs 30,000 cash kept at the counter and fled the spot.
Acting on the complaint of Pradeep, Mankapur police booked the two accused and later succeeded in arresting Pappu Raut. A search to apprehend other accused Pravin Ghuge is under way.