Nagpur: Two juvenile criminals struck Hotel Tuli Imperial, Ramdaspeth, in a big way by stealing Rs 2 lakh cash and gold ornaments worth over Rs 5 lakh at a wedding ceremony being held on Sunday. The CCTV cameras installed at the hotel have captured the two juvenile burglars, aged 14, walking out with the purse containing cash and gold ornaments.
The purse which was stolen belonged to the groom’s mother, Pratima Sawarkar. The complaint was filed by Pune resident Prathamesh Pradeep Sawarkar (33) at Sitabuldi police station. Sawarkar family had been to city for marriage of their family member, Mayuresh with a city-based girl from Survey Nagar. The wedding hall was packed with more than 500 guests. The incident took place after the marriage ceremony and the family members were busy in photo session with the newly-wed couple. Pratima had kept the bag on the table and had gone to the stage. She returned after few minutes to find her bag missing. She raised an alarm. The family members reported the matter to the hotel authorities. The hotel staff along with Sawarkar family checked the banquet hall but failed to find the bag. Finally, the matter was reported to Sitabuldi police.
A team of police immediately checked the CCTV footages of the hotel as well as the hall and found two minors, dressed well, loitering around women guests. Police said that a minor boy was seen behind Pratima before she walked to the stage. The other footages show another boy leaving the hotel with the bag.
PSI Chaudhary has booked the two accused juveniles under Section 379 of the IPC and probing whether more persons were involved in the crime.