Nagpur: A 20-year-old woman was kidnapped and raped by a driver in the back seat of an SUV around midnight on Friday. The accused, Rajesh Chiklande, 32, has been arrested by Ambazari police. He is the driver of a private car engaged on contractual basis by the deputy chief signal and telecommunication engineer of railways. The woman is a third year Arts student of a reputed city college.
Police said Victim Girl (VG), who hails from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh, was heading towards her hostel at Gandhinagar with her mother in a car driven by a family friend who is a tabla player. The three were returning from a Wadi eatery at 11pm. Police, however, have not revealed the name of the friend yet.
VG and her mother had a heated argument in the car. Police sources said VG got angry over some remarks by the friend. She decided to get off the car and forced the friend to stop the vehicle on Hill Road.
Police said VG mother decided to head towards the hostel expecting her to follow them soon. When it did not happen, the mother and friend went to file a complaint at the Ambazari police station.
Even as police were inquiring into the matter, cops from Gittikhadan police station brought VG to her hostel. She was found near LAD college on Seminary Hills.
According to police, VG was kidnapped from Hill Road by Chiklande and whisked away towards Jaisthamb Chowk with the survivor seated in the back seat. After meeting someone at the divisional railway manager’s office, Chiklande brought VG to Seminary Hills via Mankapur Stadium and Friends Colony before raping her at a desolate place.
Chiklande later left VG near LAD College and speeding away shortly after midnight. Police said Chiklande had also assaulted VG which resulted in some injuries.