Nagpur: A disturbing incident has led to the arrest of Azam Rashid Khan, a 21-year-old, who is alleged to have threatened and exploited an 18-year-old female friend he connected with through the social media platform Instagram. The accused coerced her into surrendering cash and gold worth a staggering Rs 2.4 lakh.
The victim’s complaint to the Mankapur Police paints a distressing picture. She revealed that her association with Khan began on Instagram in July 2020. Over time, their connection grew stronger. However, what started as a seemingly innocent friendship took a sinister turn. Khan began to solicit financial aid from her, and she initially obliged. As time went on, his requests became incessant, prompting her to distance herself from him. Unfortunately, this decision led to dire consequences.
In a disturbing twist, Khan allegedly gained unauthorized access to her social media accounts and Gmail. Using this information, he proceeded to blackmail her relentlessly. Matters escalated when he managed to extract Rs 1.5 lakh in cash from her bank account and seized her valuable gold ornaments.
Faced with mounting distress, the victim finally confided in her parents about the torment she was enduring. Together, they decided to seek justice and approached the Mankapur Police Station.
Swift and decisive action was taken by law enforcement. An official complaint was registered against Khan under Sections 386, 354(D), 294, and 506(2) of the IPC, supplemented by Subsection 12 of the POCSO Act. Khan was apprehended by the police and is now facing the legal consequences of his actions.
This disconcerting incident highlights the potential dangers associated with online interactions and serves as a reminder to exercise caution when forming relationships in the digital realm. Authorities are dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of individuals, especially in the evolving landscape of virtual connections.