Nagpur: A 23 year old woman has been allegedly kidnapped by a lovelorn youth on the knife point from her house in Beltarodi near Manish Nagar. The incident happened on April 14 and an FIR has been lodged against the accused Sunil Tandia at Beltarodi police station.The girl’s father Siyacharan Vishwakarma, who resides in Ambika Nagar in Beltarodi and runs a mess, has alleged the police inaction while dealing with the case.
Vishwakarma has a son, two daughters and wife in his family. Talking to Nagpur Today, the girl’s father alleged that Tandia, who does car washing in various apartments to earn his living, has deceitfully underwent court marriage with his daughter in 2016. At that time her daugter was studying in 2nd year at Yashoda College in Sneh Nagar. Tandia hails from a town in Madhya Pradesh. Six months later the girl returned to her family following the routine spat with Tandia. The girl’s father has alleged that her daughter returned home as the Tandia often beat her up. Later he got them divorced in 2017.
However on April 16, 2018 Tandia allegedly sneaked into Vishwakarma’s house where her wife and two daughters were present at the time. “There was no one in the neigbourhood at that time and even I was out for some work”, Vishkarma told Nagpur Today. He alleged that Tandia had forcefully taken his daughter with him and threatened his wife with sword. He immediately lodged a complaint at Beltarodi police station.
He said the police were progressing too slow in the matter. “Tandia’s mother and maternal uncle has been summoned for questioning but nothing has been yielded in the investigation so far,” he said.
Meanwhile when Nagpur Today contacted Beltarodi PI Vijay Talware, he hinted at the love affair in the entire episode. He however said that hunt for Tandia is on. He informed that both got married through court in 2016 but the girl returned home after 6-7 months and both were divorced in 2017. Both remained in touch even after the divorce, Talware told Nagpur Today. When asked whether it was the matter of domestic violence he ruled out any such eventuality saying that someone might have changed girl’s mind and convinced her for divorcing the boy.
He said the police are investigating the matter and trying to trace the youth. He even alleged that the girl’s relatives were not cooperating in the probe. Truth would only be known when the police would take the girl’s statement, said Talware.