Nagpur/Wardha: In a shocking incident that sent ripples through police circles in Maharashtra, a 24-year-old woman has accused Senior Police Inspector Sampat Chavan of Hinganghat Police Station of rape. An FIR has been lodged against the accused PI.
According to the victim, she met PI Chavan, who had also served in Nagpur Police in the past, when he approached Hinganghat Police Station with a complaint back in August 2021. However, PI Chavan allegedly only offered her help in exchange for her friendship.
During this time, the accused PI reportedly raped her and filmed the entire episode on his mobile phone. He later used these clips to blackmail her for sexual favours, the victim told the police.
Notably, the victim had also levelled similar allegations of rape against her own father and brother. The case was later quashed by the High Court.
Nagpur Today tried to contact PI Chavan for his version, but the calls went unanswered. In the meantime, Hinganghat Police, under the supervision of Wardha Superintendent of Police (SP) Noorul Hasan, has launched a thorough probe in this connection.