Nagpur: A tragic incident occurred on Wednesday evening when a 27-year-old man, Roshan Shravan Parteti, drowned in the Pench River while bathing during an outing with friends. The incident took place at Shri Kshetra Ghogra Mahadev in Parseoni Taluka, under the jurisdiction of Parseoni Police Station.
Roshan, a resident of Dahegaon in Wardha, worked as a waiter at a beer bar in Chhatrapati Chowk, Nagpur. On Wednesday, being a ‘dry day’ due to Ashadhi Ekadashi, Roshan and his five friends decided to visit Ghogra Mahadev for an outing. While exploring the temple’s back area near the Pench River, Roshan slipped and fell into the deep water while bathing, struggling to stay afloat. Despite efforts, he drowned in the pool.
The police were alerted, and a search operation was launched on Wednesday evening but had to be called off due to low lighting. On Thursday afternoon, the police recovered Roshan’s body from the river. The incident has left his friends and family in shock, and the police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.