Bhiwapur police coming under Nagpur Rural have launched a hunt to nab three truck drivers who not only took away the seized sand-laden trucks but also threatened to kill a revenue department employee and his family.
The Junior Clerk of Tehsil Office, Bhiwapur, Viraj Gajanan Wasekar (25) had gone to Salebhatti Kargaon around 3.30 pm on Tuesday to complete the spot “Panchnama” formalities of three seized sand-laden trucks. The trucks — MH-40/ AK 9195 worth Rs 25 lakh and sand worth Rs 18,000, MH-40/Y 9197 worth Rs 25 lakh and sand worth Rs 18,000 and MH-40/Y 9097 worth Rs 15 lakh and sand worth 9000 — were seized by Revenue Department on the charges of stealing the sand from a river bed. The collective worth of three sand-laden trucks was Rs 65.45 lakh. Wasekar was completing “Panchnama” formalities. Suddenly the three truck drivers manhandled Wasekar and forcibly took away the sand-laden trucks. But before fleeing, the three accused truck drivers threatened to kill Viraj Wasekar and his family members.
Bhiwapur PSI Gadamode, acting on the complaint of Wasekar, booked the three accused truck drivers under Sections 392, 353, 186, 506, 34 of IPC and launched a hunt to nab them.