Nagpur: Three poachers were caught red-handed while killing a spotted deer or chital and selling its meat in Maregaon forested area on Monday morning. The three poachers were caught by two wildlife activist and photographer named Rajesh Bansod and Tanmay and handed over to Forest Department officials.
The accused have been identified as Dadaji Vaitagu Bhoyar, Gangadhar Dadaji Bhoyar, both residents of Maregaon, and Devrao Bapuji Mandade, resident of Chimdha in Nagpur district.
While Dadaji and Gangadhar Bhoyar were caught by Rajesh Bansod in Maregaon village, Devrao was caught by Tanmay. The three accused killed a spotted deer or chital and were selling its meat. The meat was seized. The three accused along with the deer meat were handed over to forest department personnel.
The chital or cheetal, also known as spotted deer, is protected under Schedule III of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.