Nagpur: In a humanitarian gesture, 30 officers and personnel of Nandanvan Police Station donated blood at a camp organised under the auspices of Kshetriya Ayurvediya Matru Evam Shishu Swasthay Anusandhan Sansthan, Vyankatesh Nagar, coming under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. 53 other people also donated blood at the camp held on Monday, June 15, 2020.
The camp was organised under the leadership of Dr R Reddy, In-Charge Doctor at the institution. Speaking at the camp, Dr Reddy guided the participants on the COVID-19 pandemic and exuded confidence that with collective efforts the virus could be defeated. He highlighted a number of measures to keep one safe from the virus.
On the occasion, Ayurvedic medicine kits were distributed to participants for increasing immunity to fight the dreaded coronavirus.
The camp was organised under the leadership of Dr Reddy and Senior PI Sandipan Pawar of Nandanvan Police Station.