Nagpur: In a heart-rending incident, a 4-year old boy was knocked dead by an unidentified vehicle while he was playing in front of his house in Kalamna police area.
A resident of Bele Nagar Road, near Tijare Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Kalamna, Mubarak Ali Ataulla Ali (26), in his police complaint, said that his 4-year old son Ahmed Ali Raza was playing in front of house around 6 pm on December 13. While playing, the kid went to the road. At the same time, an unidentified vehicle, driven rashly, knocked Ahmed Ali Raza. The critically injured kid was rushed to Prestos Madan Hospital, Indora. However, the 4-year old Ahmed Ali Raza succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment around 2.45 pm on Thursday, December 16.
Kalamna PSI Jadhav, based on the complaint of Mubarak Ali Ataulla Ali, booked the unidentified vehicle driver under Sections 279, 304(A) of the IPC read with Sections 134, 177 of Motor Vehicles Act and searching for him.