Nagpur: Confusion surrounds Sai devotes across the second capital of the state as 47 sliver ornaments donated to Sai Mandir, Wardha Road reportedly went missing. The matter surfaced when, charity commissioner had ordered a check for the gold and silver items kept in the strong room back in January 2017 and, 47 items of sliver did not appear for valuation, as per the receipt book. An inspection report in this regard was submitted in October 2017.
This was followed by Sachin Shegoankar, Saibaba Mandal secretary writing the charity commissioner regarding the same. When inspectors went to the trust’s office in October 2017, treasurer Rajendra Deshmukh, Avinash Shegaonkar and Deepak Borgaonkar stated in their statement that 47 silver items were not in the strong room of the temple and hence their evaluation could not be done.
No one is aware about the fact that when the valuables worth Rs lakhs did went missing. While taking the charge of trustee, information about the things available in the strong room is also taken from old trustee, but if it is not taken then the current officials are held responsible.