Nagpur: A 48-year old woman, working in a company, was allegedly raped by her employer. The accused rapist even threatened to disfigure the victimised woman’s face with acid if she disclosed his nasty act to anybody. The accused has been arrested.
The woman in her complaint told Pachpaoli police that she was working in a company office situated at Kashmiri Galli. On March 3, she was working at a site of the company. At the same time, the accused Sudhir Gupta, resident of Ramdaspeth, arrived at the site and forcibly raped her. After the heinous act, the accused Sudhir Gupta threatened to disfigure the victim’s face with acid if she disclosed the incident to anybody. However, the woman gathered courage and registered a case with Pachpaoli police against the accused in this connection.
Cops booked the accused under relevant sections and placed him under arrest.