As JEE Main result are out cracking IIT JEE is a dream for many but not everyone is lucky enough to achieve these dreams. Outsmarting one of the world’s toughest exam like IIT JEE is no joke and it is but natural that students rely on coaching institutes for some help with their JEE preparation.
How to crack IIT? But there are outliers who defy this and crack IIT JEE without coaching. According to a report published by IIT Delhi, the outliers seem to be on the rise. 52% of candidates who have cracked JEE (Advanced) in 2013 preferred self-study for IIT preparation compared to 48% who had opted for coaching institutes.
How to crack IIT JEE without coaching?
Furthermore, IIT JEE officials said even though the data cannot be compared with previous year due to change in the format, they were quite confident that percentage of students attending coaching classes for IIT JEE preparation has gone down.
Guwahati zone has the highest percentage of students who preferred self study for IIT JEE with 61.4% opting for it while Madras with 39.4% has the lowest number of students relying on self study for JEE preparation. A region wise break up of those who preferred self study vs coaching institutes for JEE preparation is mentioned below:
Zone/Region Self Study Coaching Institutes
All India 52% 48%
Guwahati 61.4% 38.6%
Kanpur 54.8% 45.2%
Roorkee 55.1% 44.9%
Bombay 52.6% 47.4%
Delhi 47.1% 52.9%
Madras 39.4% 60.6%
Bombay zone, which not only has the maximum number of aspirants of IIT JEE but also a huge commercial coaching institutes network, still has 52% students who opted for self study but managed to crack IIT JEE.
Guwahati zone lacks enough coaching institutes and hence it seems natural that the number of students relying on self study for IIT JEE would be higher. Madras and Delhi are the only two zones where coaching institutes trump self studying aspirants.
The major reason for this upcoming trend in IIT preparation is the commercialization of coaching institutes and providing a one size fits all solution to IIT preparation.
Those who crack IIT JEE eventually, learn at a much faster pace than others and with the batch sizes increasing to accommodate more people, there is an increasing divide within these batches which harms both the slow and fast learners.