The Nagpur RTO has undertaken a two-week drive to spread awareness about the important aspect of Road Safety as part of the nationwide Road Safety Campaign. The Transport Office educates city bus drivers and conductors about the finer points of safety.
Nagpur News.
The Regional Transport Office (RTO), Nagpur, has gone on an education venture as part of the nationwide Road Safety Campaign. The RTO has undertaken a two-week drive to spread awareness about the important aspect of Road Safety and the citizens have been reached out by a number of programmes that are being organized for the purpose. The Regional Transport Office has coined a slogan or formula that is based on the 5Es of Road Safety, namely, Education, Enforcement, Engineering, Environment and Emergency Care.
The Nagpur City Bus Service, too, has supported this noble cause by holding a week long training session on board its training bus. In the series of interactions with the drivers and conductors of the city buses, a team of RTO comprising Kiran More, ARTO, Roopkumar Belsare, ARTO and Sandip Patil, AIMV, shared their expertise in the field. A fruitful interactive session took place which provided a platform for the city bus staff to air their views, challenges and problems, apart from seeking clarifications on day to day situations that they are being confronted with.
The ARTO Belasre stressed upon the important aspect of the tremendous pressure a city bus driver is always put under as he has to constantly monitor the engine as well as the external and the internal environment. The ARTO More stressed upon the need to be sympathetic and understanding to the need of the passengers and the need to follow the principle of “Pehle Aap” (First You), that is the need to let the other vehicle or person to pass rather than competing with him.
The RTO team suggested that, a list of relevant rules concerning passengers, like footboard travelling, ticketless travel etc be pasted/painted inside the buses in order to make passengers aware of the rules of traffic under Motor Vehicles Act and their duties while commuting in the public transport. This would avoid the possibility of drivers and conductors getting into arguments/altercations with erring passengers.
The informative booklets on Road Traffic Safety were also distributed to all the trainees. The session was summed up with a brief on the 5Es of Road Safety, namely, Education, Enforcement, Engineering, Environment and Emergency Care.