New Delhi: The Delhi High Court orders media houses who had revealed the identity of the Kathua victim and to whom notices were issued to pay Rs 10 lakh each to the court. The court will transfer the amount to J&K victims compensation fund. The court also said that anyone who discloses rape victim’s identity can be imprisoned for six months. The next date of hearing in the case is 25th April.
Meanwhile, J&K CM Mehbooba Mufti condemned the incident saying, “How can someone do such a cruel thing to a small girl who is a manifestation of Mata Vaishno Devi. There is something wrong with society. Mufti was speaking in Katra, Jammu.
President Ram Nath Kovind said, “After, 70 years of independence such an incident occurring in any part of the country is shameful. We have to think what kind of society are we developing. It is our responsibility to ensure such a thing does not happen to any girl or woman.”