Nagpur: In a bizarre incident, a juvenile boy raped a 6-year old girl when she had gone to his house for watching TV. The accused even threatened to kill the victimized kid if she disclosed his act to anyone. Although the heinous incident took place on August 12, a complaint was lodged on August 15 as the accused. The juvenile offender has been booked.
According to police, the 6-year old girl, resident of Ajni area, went to the house of neighbouring juvenile boy around 2 pm on August 12. Taking advantage of nobody in the house, the accused closed the door and raped the kid girl by gagging her mouth. After the outrageous act, the juvenile offender doled out a life threat to the victimized girl if she opened her mouth. However, the heinous act anyhow came to the notice of the girl’s relatives and a delayed complaint was lodged with Ajni police in this connection.
API Gawande has booked the accused juvenile boy under Sections 376, 506(B) of the IPC read with Sub-Sections 3, 4, 5(N), 6 of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and probing the matter further.