Nagpur: In a baffling incident, a 27-year old girl has alleged that a 60-year old man raped her repeatedly since the past three years by doling out marriage promise and life threats as well. The lewd man has been booked.
The girl, resident of MIDC area, in her complaint told police that the accused Lalaji Santosh Jain (60), resident of Itwari, near Maskasath Bridge, lured her with marriage promise and raped her repeatedly from 2012 till to date. The girl further told cops that the accused also abused and threatened to kill her.
With this life threat, the accused exploited her sexually, alleged the girl.
MIDC PSI Wagh, acting on the girl’s complaint, has booked the accused Lalaji Santosh Jain under Sections 376, 417, 506(A), 504 of the IPC and launched investigations in the matter.