Nagpur: Kapil Nagar police have arrested a 62-year old man on the charges of raping his 13-year old granddaughter frequently over a period on one year.
The pervert accused has been residing in Kapil Nagar police area. Between April 13, 2021 and May 18, 2022, the aged accused abused the minor girl sexually.
According to police, the accused man’s daughter (victim’s mother) had come to stay with him as she was pregnant. During pregnancy, she often visited the hospital leaving behind her minor daughter with the accused grandfather. Taking advantage of the situation, the pervert man exploited her sexually. The accused then doled out threats to the girl that she and her mother would be thrown out of the house if she narrates the incident to anybody. With threat, the accused raped his granddaughter frequiently.
Meanwhile, the victim’s mother delivered a baby boy and returned to her father’s house. The heinous act of the accused came to light one night on May 18, 2022, when the victim’s mother woke up in the wee hours and saw her father and daughter in compromising positions. Shocked by the development, she took her daughter into confidence and asked what was going on. Subsequently, the victim narrated the entire episode to her mother.
When the victim’s mother confronted her father and family members, they tried to cover up shameful matters on the pretext of defamation to the family. However, after remaining silent for around a month, the victim’s mother gathered courage and registered a case with Kapil Nagar police against the accused.
Kapil Nagar API Patil, based on a complaint, booked the accused under Sections 376, 376(2)(N), 376(2)(F), 354, 506 of the IPC read with Sections 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 of POCSO Act and arrested him. Further probe is underway.