Nagpur News: On the eve of Laxmipujan, IMA hosted a melodious musical program “Diwali Pahat” by AVISHKAR Group consisting of noted singers of the city and Sa-Re-Ga-Ma-Pa fame Maha Gayak Aniruddha Joshi, Yashashree Bhave, Sonali Dixit and Shashi Vaidya. Popular Hindi & Maharthi songs were sung on the occasion, which was appreciated by one and all.
Dr. Pradeep Rajderkar and Dr. Gauri Arora worked hard for the success of the program.
Dr. Sanjay Deshpande, President welcomed the audience and Dr. Kush Jhunjhunwala, Hon. Secretary proposed the vote of thanks.
On this occasion Dr. Ashok Adhao, Patron, Dr. Milind Naik, Vice-President, IMA HQ, Dr. Kishor Taori, Dr. Y.S. Deshpande, Dr. B. K. Sharma, Dr. D.N. Agrawal, Dr. S. L. Shiohare, Dr. Ajay Kate, Dr. Archana Kothari, Dr. Rafat Khan, Dr. Dilip Arjune and Dr. Sarita Ugemuge were prominently present.
It got followed by dinner and Maharashtrian delicacies were enjoyed by all.