Nagpur: Sensation prevailed in the police department when eight police employees of Nagpur Aaropi Cell were suspended. All the suspended employees belong to Police Headquarter’s Aaropi Cell. They were accused of helping some culprits while taking them to the court and in return they used to get money.
Crime Branch Police Department’s ACP Ashwini Patil on getting the information started investigating and gave the repoort to Police Commissioner Dr K Venkateshan. He immediately ordered suspension of the police employees who had been helping the culprits while taking to the court. These accused used to help specially the gansters and big businessmen and traders. The are reported to have helped Gangster Raju Bhedre, Deepak Bajaj and others.
Those suspended were Two Assistant Police Inspector (APSI), 4 Police Naiks and 2 police constables. The names of the suspended are APSI Dasharath Chinduji Durve, Sanjay Vikramsingh Thakur, Police Naiks Ajay Krishna Neware, Suresh Kawduji Bele, Munindra Kashinath Bhangey, Harshad Bhaskarrao Powale, Constables Jayant Krishnaji Zade, Maonj Namdeo Kodpe.
It may be mentioned that whenever the accused where taken to the court every time these persons used to on the duty. The axe may fall on the officials also who used to give these accused the duty of taking them to court.
It may be mentioned that Raju Bhedra and other accused have been sent from Nagpur Central jail to other jails.