Nagpur: The Second Capital City of Nagpur or Orange City is grappling with a monster. The chain-snatching monster. The monster is spreading its thorny net since past many years and trapping hundreds of women and young girls. But in recent times, the monster has assumed dreadful dimensions. Not only the victims are being robbed of their gold chains or other ornaments without fear or favour but many of them are being left with bloody injuries and scars by the motorcycle borne muggers. Reports are pouring in that while snatching ‘mangalsutras’ or gold chains the robbers are pulling down the victims from running mopeds and scooterettes they generally ride. As a result, the pulled down victims crash on the road with a force and receive bloody injuries that could prove fatal at one point or the other. Moreover, in some cases, the chain-snatchers attacked the women and young girls with lethal arms while robbing them just to make a good escape from the scene without any hindrance.
To prove the contentious point, a fresh example is reported. On September 8 early morning, 48-year old Sindhu Vasanta Rakshak, a teacher by profession, resident of Nandanvan, was going somewhere for a domestic work. Sindhu was riding Activa. In the meanwhile, when she was passing through Nandanvan Cement Road, an unidentified chain-snatcher, riding Hero Hunk motorcycle, pulled her gold chain. In the process, both, Sindhu and the chain-snatcher lost balance of their vehicles and crashed on the road. Both Sindhu and the goon got skidded for a distance and received bloody bruises. However, Sindhu managed to recover from the forceful fall and caught hold of chain-snatcher’s leg. But she did not get any help from the passersby that facilitated the chain-snatcher to free himself from the grip of Sindhu and flee the spot.
It has come to the fore that the Hero Hunk motorcycle had registration number MH-31/DG 2435 and was stolen on 11.07.2015 from Ambazari Police Station jurisdiction. An offence in this regard was also registered on the same. From that day, the unidentified chain-snatcher is on rampage and the Crime Branch sleuths are on his trail.
The street crime has become a daylight nightmare for young girls, women of all ages. The crime is all set to smash all records in one sense or the other as it refuses to decline. The criminals also dare and expose ‘efficiency’ of Nagpur Police. The situation has come to such a pass that the womenfolk shudder to venture out with their beloved “Mangalsutra” or gold chain they fondly purchased or gifted by someone loved. The jewel of beauty is increasingly turning out to be a noose around their necks rather than a proud possession. The motorcycle borne terror is scripting a dark chapter of which nobody would love to turn the pages. Every page is being penned down by chain-snatching incidents reported in 24 hours of a sunny and dark day as well. The unreported incidents would tell a different tale and another sort of chapter.
The criminals who rob women and girls of their “mangalsutras” and gold chains cannot enjoy the stuff by chewing or biting. They need hard currency to hop from one beer bar to another or please their girlfriends with delicious treats or costly gifts. And for hard cash, the criminals find any jewellery shop a safe place for disposing the spoils. And Sarafa Bazaar in Itwari among others is the favourite place for the criminals to dump the robbed booty in return of crisp currency.
The riding terror has not spared a single area of Nagpur city. Every corner or square or a lane has victims of chain-snatching monster. As far as police force of Nagpur is concerned the crime itself tells the sorry tale. The cops or commando force or Charlie Squads have miserably failed to arrest the terror.
For argument sake, it is true that police cannot dot every corner of the city but a cracking network of surveillance or potent informant network could come very very handy for the law enforcement agency in the Second Capital of Nagpur.
No doubt, many of the newer and newer chain-snatchers crop up on the front every passing day. With no past criminal records. It makes the tracking job a bit difficult. But the scholarly words are also true: “Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.” “Obviously, the highest type of efficiency is that which can utilize existing material to the best advantage.”
It is hoped that the Nagpur cops understand the meaning of the words in real sense and act in the best of manner.
… Anil Rotkar