Nagpur: Crime Branch of Nagpur Police on Wednesday busted a high-profile sex racket being run in a posh apartment and arrested two persons who pushed girls from Mumbai, Bhopal, Kolkata and Hyderabad into flesh trade. However, two kingpins of the sex racket managed to dodge the raiding cops and absconded. One victim girl has been rescued from the spot.
The Crime Branch received a tip-off that the two kingpins namely Raj Palandurkar and Sahil alias Papa, both residents of Nagpur, lured girls from Mumbai, Bhopal, Kolkata and Hyderabad for flesh trade. Once in Nagpur, the girls were then taken in cars and dropped at John alias Lorence David D’souza’s Vispa Apartment, Gire Layout, Zingabai Takli, Nagpur, with the help of another person named Mohammed Saddam. The girls from metro cities were later pushed into flesh trade being carried out at the third floor of the posh apartment.
Armed with the tip-off, a team of Crime Branch sleuths raided the apartment and first rescued a girl who was lured of a job at event management. When the girl came to know of the real motive of the racketeers, she refused to be a part of their game-plan. But the accused snatched her belongings, bashed up severely and pushed her into flesh trade. The victim girl was rescued by the raiding cops. The sleuths then arrested John alias Lorence David D,souza (40), resident of Vispa Apartment, Third Floor, Zingabai Takli and Mohd Saddam Mohd Abdullah (22), resident of Yashodhara Nagar area. However, the masterminds behind the sex racket Raj Palandurkar and Sahil alias Papa managed to dodge the raiding cops and absconded from the spot.
Subsequent to raid and busting of sex racket, Mankapur police have booked all the four accused under Sections 3, 4, 5, 7 of Prevention of Illegal Trafficking Act (PITA). Two accused have been arrested and hunt is on for two others.
The operation was carried out under the guidance of DCP, Crime Branch, Deepali Masirkar, ACP Nilesh Raut by Senior PI B M Powar and his team.