Nagpur: Ornaments of gold-silver, mobile phone and cash, worth Rs 1,00,000, kept in the bag of a woman, were stolen during a marriage function being held Sher-e-Punjab Lawns, near Maruti Showroom under Yashodhara Nagar police station.
According to police, Kavita Madhu Shrivastava (34), resident of Shatabdi Nagar, Rameshwari Ring Road had gone to Sher-e-Punjab Laws to attend the function of her brother’s marriage on Dec 2. She had kept her bag on a sofa and moved away for some work, but in the mean time some unidentified thief lifted the bag and made it away. The bag contained gold-silver ornaments, mobile phone and Rs 1000 cash, all valuables worth Rs 1 lakh. Kavita soon filed a complaint with Yashodhara Nagar police station.