Chorus is growing to bring back the mercurial officer and the lost glory of the Second Capital City of Nagpur as well.
Nagpur: Embarrassment has been heaped in tons. Beating has been taken severely. Many faces have been left red-faced. And many faced have been exposed on inefficiency front as well. The reason: Nagpur City has summarily been dumped from the list of cities to be developed as ‘Smart City’ in the first round of the ambitious project. Courtesy: Utter shabby preparedness and planning on the part of Nagpur Municipal Corporation for a project of smart magnitude. But now the talks are taking rounds or say chorus is growing in the civic body over a man of mettle who can bring lost glory to the NMC. The name of the man is T Chandrashekhar, a no-nonsense officer, a one-man army, and so on … T Chandrashekhar had been the Municipal Commissioner in 90s and during his stint the city of Nagpur received a facelift, undoubtedly. The charismatic officer could be brought to the helm “on deputation” and then hope for a ‘Smart City.’ And when, fortunately, the Chief Minister and Union Surface Transport Minister hail from Nagpur, if they wish, they can do it. Bring T Chandrashekhar back and change the scenario.
At present, the situation come to such a pass that every development work is being done on the basis of lesser estimated cost and by the “below rate” contractors. No surprise, quality is taking the severe beating. The inefficient lot of NMC-NIT officials think that development done on below estimated cost and below rates is a “wise measure.” However, the “wise measure” smacks of corruption and poor quality work.
In the prevailing situation of everything “below,” the contractors have to cough up additional 10-12 percent for clearing their bills. Those contractors carrying out the works in “below rates” would never put themselves in loss. The gain is measured when quality is compromised. And when the quality is compromised then the works will have to be done again. And again. Is it a “wise measure” Mr NMC Officials?
If the development works or citizen-oriented works are done on estimated rates and competitively then both quality is maintained and money is saved as well.
It is pertinent to recall that whenever the organizations such as National Highway, Airports, Defence, Border Security Force and the likes carry out works they focus more on quality than money. In fact the organizations go a step ahead in maintaining quality by spending and paying over and above the estimated cost.
Fortunately for Vidarbha, Nitn Gadkari is a visionary leader. He is notably known as quality-conscious person. If Gadkari steps in and craves for bringing an officer of caliber of T Chandrashekhar at the helm of NMC, change of face, no doubt for better, will be a certainty. Citizens still fondly remember the work done by the mercurial officer as Municipal Commissioner. Bringing T Chandrashekhar or a man of mettle of his caliber has now become a must for making the Second Capital City of Nagpur a ‘Smart City.’