Nagpur: Acting on a tip-off, DB (Detection Branch) Squad of MIDC Police Station arrested vehicle lifter and recovered three stolen motorcycles from his possession. The cops initially detained the accused Pramod Sohanlal Katre (28), resident of Indiramata Nagar Slums and subjected him to sustained questioning. During the grilling, the accused Pramod spilled the beans and confessed stealing of motorcycles from MIDC Police Station limits. The three recovered motorcycles are Hero Deluxe (MA-40/AL 6191), Hero Honda Glamour (MH-31/AH 6828) and an unregistered Bajaj Boxer motorcycle collectively worth Rs 80,000.
The action was initiated under the directives of Zone-1 DCP Shailesh Balkawde, ACP Mane, PIs Vishnu Bhoye, Ravindra Raul, API Pravin Kale by Police Constables Vinayak Patil, Vinod Kamble, Vicky Meshram and Ishant Aate.