Nagpur: Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Nagpur on Wednesday caught a police constable attached to Ambazari Police Station red handed while accepting bribe of Rs 1500 from a man against whom a police complaint was lodged by a neighbor.
The complaint told ACB that construction work of his house is going on. A dispute arose between the complainant and his neighbor over the construction work. Subsequently, on 9.2.2016, the accused Police Constable Shrikrishna Gopal Nitavane, attached to Ambazari Police Station, came to the complainant’s house and told him that a complaint has been lodged by the neighbor against him and his son. Saying this, the accused constable Nitavane took the complainant to police station and demanded bribe of Rs 2000 from him. The bribe was demanded to spare the complainant and his son of any action. But instead of giving bribe, the complainant approached ACB and alerted them about the bribe demand by the police constable.
Acting on the complaint, sleuths of ACB laid a trap at Ambazari Police Station on 10-2-2016. During the trap action, the ACB sleuths found that the accused police constable Shrikrishna Nitavane demanding the bribe of Rs 2000 from the complainant. However, as a compromise deal, the accused constable accepted Rs 1500 as a bribe from the complainant. The moment the accused cop pocketed the bribe money, ACB sleuths pounced on him and caught him red-handed for accepting the bribe. A case against the accused constable was registered with Ambazari Police Station under Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 and was arrested.