Nagpur: Two men have been allegedly duped of Rs 35.72 lakhs by five people who allegedly committed fraud on the pretext of building and delivering cheaper houses under MIDC police station. The accused include Om Tarale, Smita Tarale, both residents of Wanadongri, Suhas More, resident of Ramdaspeth, Vidya More and Ramesh Waswani.
Police sources informed that the complainant Vinod Patil, resident of Swami Vistar Apartments in Trimurti Nagpur, has registered the complaint of fraud against all the five accused. Patil told police that all the five people had lured him and his co-worker with the promise of building and handing over low budget houses. The accused had taken Rs 35.72 lakh as the 20% payment of the total amount.
On the contrary, the accused did not hand over the possession to Patil and his associate despite undergoing an agreement in this regard. When the duo asked for their money back the accused refused to budge.Finding no way out, the victims approached MIDC police station where ASI PM Kale registered the case. Police are investigating further.