Nagpur: In a sensational incident, two brothers mercilessly butchered a young man over a trivial issue in Nandanvan area of the city on Sunday (May 29) night. A friend of the deceased, who had gone to save him, escaped the murderous assault by the two killers but not before scaring him to the core. The two accused siblings have reportedly been arrested.
The deceased has been identified as Chandrashekhar Madhukar Malode alias Kamchi (27), resident of Vijayalakshmi Nagar, Nandanvan. The murder accused brothers are Nitesh Bharatlal Shahu (25) and Ajay Bharatlal Shahu (27), both residents of Plot No. 100, Sahakar Nagar, Nandanvan. The bloody incident took place when the deceased Chandrashekhar and his friend Chetan Supare went to the accused brothers’ house around 9.30 pm just to tell them that since they (the brothers) have not gone to the court a warrant will be issued against them. Infuriated by the ‘counseling’ words, the accused brothers retaliated and asked Chandrashekhar as to why he had come to their house. With these angry words, the two accused siblings pulled Chandrashekhar on the road and started smashing his head.
Taken aback by the fiery development, Chetan Supare tried to intervene and save Chandrashekhar from the assault. Seeing Chetan coming to the rescue of his friend, one of the accused brothers Ajay Bharatlal Shahu caught hold of him and the other brother Nitesh brought a knife-like weapon and stabbed Chandrashekhar on his chest and head repeatedly killing him on the spot. Chetan Supare watched this bloody act of the two accused brothers helplessly but he himself was spared by the marauding siblings.
Nandanvan API Kachode, on the basis of a complaint lodged by Rajendra Madhukar Malode (35), elder brother of the deceased, has booked the two accused brothers under Sections 302, 34 of IPC and has reportedly arrested them.