Nagpur: A birthday bash in Jaiprakash Nagar in Sonegaon area turned tragic as nearly 120 people who visited the party were taken ill after allegedly consuming food. The incident happened when the guests started developing nausea and suffered stomach ache after having food at the party. All of them have been rushed to the nearby hospitals which include Shri Venkatesh Hospital, Pande Layout, Arogyam Hospital, Rajeev Nagar, G T Memorial Hospital, Pande Layout and Dr Karmarkar Hospital, Pande Layout.
The party was allegedly organized at Dattopant Thengli Sabhagruha in Jaiprakash Nagar, Sonegaon area.
Till the time of filing the story, it could not be ascertained as to whose birthday party was organized in the hall, who was the caterer and how many people had become victims of food poisoning.
Since Shri Venkatesh Hospital falls in their jurisdiction, the cops of Rana Pratap Nagar Police Station rushed to take their statements. Out of 8 patients admitted with food poisoning, three have been discharged and five are still undergoing treatment. The cops of Rana Pratap Nagar Police Station have sent the details of these patients to the Sonegaon Police Station for further investigations. When Nagpur Today called the Senior Police Inspector of Sonegaon Police Station, he said that they are still investigating the details about the incident.