Nagpur: Vaishnavi Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha in city recently organized a self-employment and skill development camp for youths in Besa. The camp received an overwhelming response. The programme was presided over by Besa Gram Panchayat Sarpanch Shalini Kangali while the chief guest was Saroj Bahadure, Corporator of Manewada Prabhag. Sonali Mishra, Amol Saraf and others were prominently present on the occasion.
The programme was conducted by Sangita Jethe, President of Vaishnavi Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha while Ravina Dhoke proposed a vote of thanks. Those who worked hard for success of the camp include Anita Raut, Pournima, Namrata Binzade, Priyanka and others.
Similarly, Image Education Society too had organized the self-employment and skill development camp for youths in Garoba Maidan. Vidya Lonare presided over the function while Devendra Kate and Rajesh Mitra were chief guests. Simaran Munde conducted the programme.